Friday, April 25, 2008

Gray's is back!

"Don't you judge me!" Okay it is no secret that Gray's Anatomy is one of my guilty pleasures and I was so excited to have it come back. When I first moved to AZ I was telling Shelby about it and shockingly enough she had never seen it so I sat her down and started her with "Season 1 Disc 1" well it didn't take long before she was recruiting new Gray's fans too. Last night we all got together to see the first episode since the writers strike. We had sparkling cyder, cheesecake, lots of snacks, and just the girls. Afterword we sat in the hot that's my idea of a girls night. Thanks for hosting Shannon it was a blast!


Brooke said...

That was a fun night for sure. What am I doing with my legs in this pic??

Shannon said...

It was great to have you guys!! Promise we can still do it if we move!!! :o)