Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm it

I was tagged by my friend Christy and, as I understand it, I have to post the fourth picture in the fourth file of my pictures. This made me very nervous because I have a husband who loves to try and capture the most unflattering pictures of me...he thinks he's funny, but I lucked out this time and it is a picture of Cam.

This picture was taken last spring I believe. Camryn found her dad's "work shirt" as she calls it and said she was going to the ambulance with daddy to work. She always has been a daddy's girl! I now tag Shelby, Ashley, Shannon, Brooke, Jenna and anyone else who wants to play along. It is fun to see the random pictures in files so you guys are now it!...And no cheating! It has to be the fourth picture in your fourth picture file.


Shiela Lee said...

LOL - You are so OCD! Look at all of our alphabetized "family and friends" link over there! LOL

Jenna said...

I'll try to figure it out!

Brooke said...

Cute picture.....and I love your new blog design!!