So I was going to take your advice Shannon, and make a poll to help us choose a name for this baby that is coming none-to-soon. I thought Scott had given me at least two names that I could work with (Owen and Brody). As I was about to publish the poll Scott said he doesn't want Brody anymore! I told him I cant do a poll with one no poll. Some might see this as a good sign, after all the goal is to get the list narrowed to one name, but when I begin to refer to "my bump" as Owen he backs out and says, "that's not his name!" I am so frustrated with this. I've tried everything...we even have a book, 50,001 best baby names ever...Scott sees this book as a form of cruel and unusual punishment. So, there you are, that is what I have been going through.
This baby is going to be one of those sad stories where they are born with no name and the nurses will have to sadly write, "Baby Lloyd" on his bed in the nursery. Unknowing passersby will assume that is his first name and feel sorry for the adorable little baby who has the unfortunate name of Lloyd...a few Dumb and Dumber movie quotes and/or references will be mumbled under breath followed by snickers and they will leave. So sad, PLEASE don't let this become my reality. I am open to any suggestions...HELP US!!!!!!
Catching Up
8 years ago
I'm cracking up!!!! I thought you would at least have two!! What a turkey Scott is being!!! I like Owen! That was on my list!
OK sooo here's some from my list that I had in my notebook:
You prob. already went through these..... :o)
Tell Scott to hush up and only speak when spoken to...otherwise name him Boyd...the only thing worse than"baby Lloyd" is "baby Boyd Lloyd" :)
I say Owen unless he can offer any help.
I wanted to name Gavin Tristan, but my brother (whose name is Tristan) didn't want me to use it so we went with Gavin.
Hahaha Shelby!!! Boyd Lloyd!!! Oh my......thats tooo funny!!!
You think you have problems??? I have made the possible mistake of letting James choose the baby's first name. So far he has thought of Warrick, Xander, and Finley. Oh, and if it's born on the 9th, his name will be Roy. Roy, really??? The names are kind of growing on me as time goes by, except for Roy, I just hope he decides soon!
Brody? You know how I like to sugar coat things, but barf. No no brody. Have you plugged it into the name song? Brody brody, bo bowdy, banana fana fo fody, brody... yeah not so much. Owen, Carson, those were nice names. Let scott pick the middle name. That's fair. After all, he would be really picking two of the names that way (middle and last). You'll just pick the left over name, the first name.
Don't worry Jenny. All 3 of my children were those babies in the hospital that were Baby Cox until the day we left and we HAD to pick a name. Look at them all, they survived wonderfully! But I know exactly how you feel. A name is a HUGE decision and it has to be just right. Owen and Brody are great names. Just remember, even if you're not totally sold on it, the kid makes the name and you will have a beautiful, fun little guy who will make that name great!
Too funny. I'm a little partial to Owen, but they are both cute and anything is better than Boyd Lloyd. :)
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